From the ground up.



How Many Gi's Should You Own? Jan 31, 2022

I know a lot of my students own at least Six  BJJ Gis (Uniforms) .  They are always buying the latest and coolest gi they can find.  To be honest I like it.  I think being fashionable in Jiu-Jitsu is ok.  I personally have around nine gis of my own and lately I have been buying more but for the long...

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Fear Jan 24, 2022

I think one of the most difficult things for a human being to do is admit that they have fear in a given situation or for an upcoming event.  American Male Culture seems to act like the absence of fear is a good thing and it makes one a tough person.  I think of MMA  most when I think of this.  The ...

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To Stripe or Not To Stripe in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Jan 17, 2022

I have been to and trained at a lot of BJJ schools and I have noticed that in some Jiu-Jitsu schools they don’t give stripes on student belts. I had trained at the Las Vegas Combat for a couple years when I lived in Las Vegas and they didn’t give stripes to students either.   They even laughed when ...

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Should You Weightlift in Jiu-Jitsu? Jan 10, 2022

In my early days as a Jiu-Jitsu student I was told that to be good at Gracie Jiu-Jitsu that I shouldn’t lift weights. I was told it adversely effects your technique because you want to use the proper angle instead of muscling through a position to be most effective.

I don’t know if I totally agree w...

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Washing your Gi Jan 03, 2022

I am regularly asked how often you should wash your gi. The obvious answer is after each session, however; I am not naive enough to think that every person washes their gi after EACH and EVERY training.

I admit that I have gone several classes without washing my gi before and the world didn’t come t...

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Testing in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Dec 27, 2021

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is well known for its instructors giving belts to their students without a testing process. In many schools a student shows up one day and gets a surprise in front of the class by being awarded his next belt. I should know, I used to do this with my students. I now test each and ...

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Rorion Gracie Dec 20, 2021

We often talk about Helio and Carlos Gracie and all that they have done for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, but a person who I think deserves a great deal of credit for the popularization of Jiu-Jitsu is Helio’s son Rorion Gracie. Rorion is the one who really helped popularize Gracie Jiu-Jitsu thru the “Gracie...

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Watching Jiu-Jitsu Videos Dec 13, 2021

I often get asked if I personally watch Jiu-Jitsu videos. I must admit that I have watched my share of videos and produced a few of my own. Jiu-Jitsu is evolving at a rapid rate and to keep up students and instructors should watch videos and see what others are doing.

Videos should not be a substitu...

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Should you go to Seminars? Dec 06, 2021

I JUST RETURNED FROM A GREAT SEMINAR IN PORTLAND with my instructor Professor Pedro Sauer hosted by 3rd degree Black Belt Anibal Lobo. I just want to say I love seminars! I think that after having a great instructor, going to seminars is the best way to learn Jiu-Jitsu! Instructors will pull out the...

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Throws and Take-Downs (TNT) Nov 29, 2021

I think it's time!  It’s time to take Throws and Take-downs (T. N. T) to a new level!  My friend, Pedro Sauer Black Belt Ricky Lundell has been preaching for some time the need to improve the throwing and take-down ability of BJJ students. It took me a while to pay attention but now I am wholehearte...

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Why You Should Take Private Lessons! Nov 22, 2021

You want to get better fast you say?  Well here is a sure-fire way.  Take Private Lessons!  Private lessons are a way to get to the bottom of the problems you have.  It is often difficult for your instructor to give you the individual attention that you might need in a regular group class setting, e...

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The Fecal Factor: Washing your Belt Nov 15, 2021

You have probably heard the old martial arts adage that you should never wash your belt because you will wash the knowledge out of it.  The guy who said that is a dumbass!  

What you are really washing out of a dirty belt is dirt, sweat, blood, hair, snot, bacteria, viruses, parasites and a lot of ...

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Brazilian Time is NOT a Good Time! Nov 08, 2021

Here is a huge enemy of your school,  Brazilian Time.  “Brazilian Time” is a humorous term used to denote starting the martial arts class up to 15 minutes late in many cases.  

This is made famous by Brazilian BJJ Instructors (and many American Instructors) who are notoriously late in beginning the...

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“I’d like to punch you in the Face”! Why strikes are important in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu! Nov 01, 2021

For this article I’m narrowing my focus to ground punching for a "grappling/BJJ" school, nothing stand-up oriented.  So, don’t go emailing me about how I should be standing or this is how MMA does it. I got it.

There is a funny saying about BJJ Black Belts that goes, “If you want to turn a bjj blac...

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